Ordinances and Resolutions
Airport Zoning
Ordinance No. 97-11-24 Airport Zoning Ordinance Creating or Establishment of airport hazards.
Ordinance No. 2005-05-05A Amendment #97-11-24
Blight Reclamation and Revitalization
Ordinance 2019-12-5 Blight Reclamation and Revitalization
Resolution 2021-9-1 A Resolution Identifying & Determining Certain Properties As Blighted And Dangerous; Defining The Same; Delegating And Appointing An Outside Agency To Act For And On Behalf Of The Township; & Designating A Redevelopment Area
Building Permits
Construction Permits
Subdivision and Land Development (SALDO)
Ordinance 97-5-23 Amendment #1984-2 Redefine Land Development and Mobile Home Park
Ordinance 2024-12-2023 Subdivision and Land Development Amendments
Uniform Construction Code
Business Regulations
Ordinance 1985-2 Prohibiting Peddling or Soliciting without a License
Ordinance 2003-12-11 Regulation of Sexually Oriented Businesses and Employees
Comprehensive Plan​
Ordinance 08-10-02 Increase in the Indebtedness of Morris Township
Ordinance 1983-1 Authorizing the ability to buy shares of trust
Garbage, Waste, Sewage
Ordinance 1989-02 Establishment of Procedure, Standards, Etc. for Solid Waste
Ordinance 1998-10-19 Prohibition of Accumulation and Improper Disposal of Garbage
Pollution and Littering
Junk Dealers
Waste Disposal
Ordinance No. 3- Implementation of the PA Sewage Facilities Act
Ordinance No. 93-1004 Guaranty Agreement with PA Infrastructure Investment Authority
Ordinance No. 1993-07 Establishment of Agreement for Maintaining the PA Sewage Agency
Hazard Mitigation Plan
Property Maintenance
Ordinance No. 14-09-04 Adoption of the 2006 Edition of the International Property Maintenance Code
Ordinance No. 2019-12-5 Blight Reclamation and Revitalization
Planning Commission
Recreational Board
Resident Resources
Ordinance No. 09607 Transfer of Insurance Funds with Certain Fire Losses
Ordinance No. 06-11-2 Adoption of Narcotic Treatment Programs
Ordinance No. 97-301 Reimbursement of Emergency Service Costs
Ordinance No. 1994-01 Regulation of Cable Television SNA Related Services
Road Usage
Ordinance No. 98-406 Establishment of Stop Intersections on T-683 and T-970
Ordinance No. 98-109-2 Adoption of the Clearfield County Street and Naming Policy
Ordinance No. 1983-5 Establishment of Mirkwood, Forest, and Oak Drive
Ordinance No. 1581 Prohibiting Parking at All Times on Certain Streets
Ordinance No. 2017-9-7 Recreational Vehicle Siting and or Storage Ordinance
Ordinance No. 98-3-17 Prohibiting Parking on Church Street and Portions of SR 2034
Speed Limits​
Ordinance No. 1983-2 Establishing Maximum Speed Limits on Certain Roads
Ordinance No. 2024-9-25 School Zone Speed Limitation in front of WB School and Agreement
Street Lighting
Vacating Portions of Roads
Ordinance No. 88-01 Vacation of a Portion of Township roads 841, 704, 110
Ordinance No. 99-9-27 Vacating a Portion of T-678 From Decatur Twp Line
Weight Restrictions
Ordinance No. 1986-2 Imposing Weight Restrictions on Bridge T-682
Ordinance No. 2005-01-0302 Increasing Penalties for Violating Weight Restriction
Ordinance No. 1982-5 No Construction of the Roads without a Permit
Ordinance No. 1982-4 Tarping Ordinance for Exposed Vehicle Materials
Ordinance No. 1985-4 Establishment of Occupational Privilege Tax
Resolution 2020-11-4 Authorizing And Fixing The Tax Rate For Fiscal Year 2021
Resolution 2021-2-3 (2) Authorizing And Fixing The Compensation of the Tax Collector
Resolution 2024-12-4 Establishing the Real Estate Tax Rate for the year 2025
Township Management
Supervisor Compensation
Ordinance No. 1985-6 Increasing the Compensation of the Supervisors
Ordinance No. 03-12-11-2 Amendment #1985-6 Change of Compensation of Supervisors
Auditor Compensation
Adopting Rules of Decorum for Public Meetings, Ethical Standards, And Other Related Standards for Township Officials
General Obligation Note​
Authorizing Membership
Ordinance No. 00-10-5 Authorizing Membership to the PA Intergovernmental Risk Management Association
Ordinance No. 09-05-7 Democratic Self-Government and Local Control Ordinance
Ordinance No. 12-4-5 Entering Into an Intergovernmental Cooperation Agreement
Ordinance No. 1972-12-26 WB Area Park and Recreation Authority
Ordinance No. 1987-1 Creation of the Moshannon Valley Council of Governments
Township Pension
Unemployment Compensation
Water Connection
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